Recently,me and Saki really enjoyed our international talk,and we become so excited to meet each other!! Saki really want to come to Malaysia and stay at my house.Knowing that,i'm totally happy! our house is open for you Saki!come anytime you want! Saki scared that communication would be problems because she don't really know English!! actually that would not be such a problem,since I've been learning Japanese these days~for the basic speaking in Japanese,i bet i'm good enough for a beginner,for daily life chatting,still not become a big problem^^i understand Saki must feel bad,so i send her a 'message' to give support! friend support is needed! Saki is not bad in English^^,she just too humble..i expect..
we exchange photos with message^^kkk

konnichiwa minasan! yes i know i'm late but don't blame it to me,go and scold my time~where is my time?recently it's not around...kkkksince Jumping has been released,i'm also addicted to jump and jump again and again!why???woahhhhhhhhhh daikoku danji daebaklah! this song are verryyyyyyyy nice!!! i love this song so much!!!! all members improved a lot! i love karam hair style,ah and also mika-san hair,,,aiiii kawaiii desu ne?hyunmin looks thin and injun?hummm our injun-san still with his chicken hair...kkkk but still look nice lorrr...who else?of course my lovely maknae!!JAY!!WHY SO COOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! totally melt my heart....when he run,i want to scream yah!! very daebak Daikoku Danji this time!! i heart you guys yap!! muahhhhhhh!!!and here is the PV for Jumping^^please have a look to this and i'm sure you will be impressed!
大国男児 - Jumping PV by dijitalove